Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Simple Peacock Earrings

Woot! Lookie here: 10 Beautiful & Free Crochet Earrings Patterns in Thread!

Need a quick and easy gift? I made a pair of these earrings in less than two hours and that included the time it took to de-coffee the inset glass topped coffee table after Weezer knocked over my cup.
These earrings may look like a million bucks but they are easy to make from inexpensive supplies.

What you need:
Embroidery floss in purple, aqua, metallic gold, and green
Size C (2.75 mm) or smaller hook
Yarn needle
2 eye pins
2   4-8 mm glass beads
2 fish hook earrings
1 pair round nosed jewelry pliers

Join each row with slip stitch, do not turn
Be sure to work over color change tails

Chain 3 with purple
Round 1: dc 11 into first chain
Switch to blue, chain 2
Round 2: work 2 dc in each dc around
Switch to gold, ch 1
Round 3: *2 sc in next st, sc in next st, rep from * around
Switch to green, chain 1
Round 4: sc 9, *feather clusters (3 ch) , (5 ch) , 11 (7 ch), (5 ch), (3 ch), sc 9
Tie knot and weave end end.

*Feather Cluster:
Work 1 sc, chain (#), slip stitch in same stitch

Prepare findings like above.

Open the bottom of an eye pin and slip through some stitches at the top of feather.

Do not distribute or publish this pattern in any other form. If you like this pattern and would like to share please link to this blog. 
Thank you.